Results for 'Shiva Kumar Mishra'

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  1.  13
    (1 other version)Knowledge, attitude and practice of healthcare ethics among resident doctors and ward nurses from a resource poor setting, Nepal.Kumar Paudel Samaj Adhikari, R. Aro Arja, Bipin Adhikari Tara Ballav Adhikari & Shiva Raj Mishra - forthcoming - Most Recent Articles: Bmc Medical Ethics.
    Healthcare ethics is neglected in clinical practice in LMICs such as Nepal. The main objective of this study was to assess the current status of knowledge, attitude and practi...
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  2. Why Is Derrida Afraid of Hysteria?Shiva Kumar Srinivasan - 2002 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 11:137.
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  3. Socrates and the Discourse of the Hysteric.Shiva Kumar Srinivasan - 2000 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 9:18.
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    Aménagement hydroélectrique et droits communautaires dans l’Himalaya oriental.Deepak Kumar Mishra & Christian G. Caubet - 2019 - Multitudes 75 (2):191-195.
    Avec plus de cent soixante mémorandums d’accords signés avec des constructeurs de barrages, l’Etat d’Arunashal Pradesh, situé dans l’Himalaya, dans une région nord-orientale de l’Inde faisant limite avec la Chine, le Boutant et le Myanmar, occupe une place de choix dans les plans d’aménagement hydroélectrique de l’Inde. Cet état est le foyer d’environ vingt-cinq communautés autochtones, chacune avec ses différentes traditions culturelles et institutionnelles pour l’administration des propriétés collectives, comme les terres agricoles et les forêts. À l’Arunachal Pradesh, à la (...)
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    AI led ethical digital transformation: framework, research and managerial implications.Kumar Saurabh, Ridhi Arora, Neelam Rani, Debasisha Mishra & M. Ramkumar - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (2):229-256.
    Purpose Digital transformation leverages digital technologies to change current processes and introduce new processes in any organisation’s business model, customer/user experience and operational processes. Artificial intelligence plays a significant role in achieving DT. As DT is touching each sphere of humanity, AI led DT is raising many fundamental questions. These questions raise concerns for the systems deployed, how they should behave, what risks they carry, the monitoring and evaluation control we have in hand, etc. These issues call for the need (...)
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    Assuming corporate responsibilities in lawless situations: case study of a news media organization.Sushanta Kumar Mishra & Kunal Kamal Kumar - 2016 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 5 (1 - 2):81-95.
    Corporate responsibility is considered the “epitome of corporate ethics.” In “the balanced concept of the firm,” a corporation is seen as a moral agent that has a balanced approach to managing three interrelated and equally important responsibilities viz. economic, social, and environmental. The case study aims to advance our understating of the “triple bottom line approach to CSR” by showing how a news media organization committed itself to dispensing its corporate responsibilities despite facing lawless situations. Through a detailed study of (...)
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  7.  49
    Annealing response of AA5182 deformed in plane strain and equibiaxial strain paths.Sushil Kumar Mishra, Sankara Sarma V. Tatiparti, Shashank M. Tiwari, Rajesh S. Raghavan, John E. Carsley & Jingjing Li - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (20):2613-2629.
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  8. Anekāntavāda and Syādvāda.Rai Ashwini Kumar, T. M. Dak & Anil Dutta Mishra (eds.) - 1997 - Ladnun, Rajasthan: Jain Vishva Bharati Institute.
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    Listening through the native tongue: A review essay on Cutler's Native listening: Language experience and the recognition of spoken words.Ramesh Kumar Mishra - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (7):1064-1078.
    Speech perception has been a very productive and important area in psycholinguistics. In this review easy, I discuss Cutler's new book on native language listening. Cutler argues for a theory of speech perception, where all speech perception is accomplished by competence in native speech. I review this book and attempt to situate its main contributions in the broader context of cognitive science.
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    Peter Gärdenfors: The Geometry of Meaning: Semantics Based on Conceptual Spaces: MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2014, 360 pp, $37.00, ISBN 9780262026789.Ramesh Kumar Mishra - 2016 - Minds and Machines 26 (3):313-316.
  11.  48
    Mental States.Ramesh Kumar Mishra - 2011 - Philosophical Psychology 24 (3):427 - 435.
    Philosophical Psychology, Volume 24, Issue 3, Page 427-435, 01Jun2011.
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    Repeat performance: how do genome packaging and regulation depend on simple sequence repeats?Ram Parikshan Kumar, Ramamoorthy Senthilkumar, Vipin Singh & Rakesh K. Mishra - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (2):165-174.
  13.  54
    Assessing the impact of heat vulnerability on urban public spaces using a fuzzy-based unified computational technique.Rajeev Kumar & Saswat Kishore Mishra - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-18.
    Over the years, the urban heat vulnerability has evolved as a pressing global concern for researchers and policymakers alike. Numerous studies have aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of urban heat vulnerability on public health and safety. However, the critical task of selecting the most fitting indicator for urban heat islands in public spaces is not emphasized in the existing studies, considering the diverse indices available. Beyond identification, studies that delve into the prioritization of these indices and the determination of (...)
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    Complexity of a problem of energy efficient real-time task scheduling on a multicore processor.Abhishek Mishra & Anil Kumar Tripathi - 2016 - Complexity 21 (1):259-267.
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  15.  23
    Buddhist theory of meaning and literary analysis.Rajnish Kumar Mishra - 1999 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    This Book Offers A Fresh Exposition Of The Buddhist Theory Of Meaning (Apohavada) Against The Backdrop Of Indian Linguistic Thought And Shows How This Theory Is Positioned Vis-A-Vis Current Issues And Assumptions In Language. Consists A Very Useful Glossary.
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  16. Nyāyaviśiṣṭādvaitamatayoḥ īśvaratattvavicāraḥ.Dilip Kumar Mishra - 2007 - Tirupatiḥ: Rāṣṭriyasaṃskr̥taviśvavidyālayaḥ. Edited by Harekrishna Satapathy & S. Sudarsana Sarma.
    Concept of God according to Nyaya and Viśiṣṭādvaita philosophy; a study.
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    The cosmic matrix in the light of the Vedas.Rishi Kumar Mishra - 2001 - New Delhi: Rupa & Co. in association with Brahma Vidya Kendra. Edited by Vyvyan Cayley.
    Readers with a keen interest in the pursuit of vijnana will be fascinated by the exploration in this work of the Vedic texts and the deep insights of the rishis, or seer-scientists.
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    Transition from cultural diversity to multiculturalism: perspectives from offshore industry in India.Sreelekha Mishra, Balaganapathi Devarakonda & Bharat Kumar - 2015 - AI and Society 30 (2):283-289.
    Globalization is not just an economic phenomenon as economic transactions cannot take place without parallel flows of ideas, cultural products and people. The traditional notion of immigrants, i.e. those who leave one country to settle into another while leaving behind their past, is inextricably linked to the other flows that constitute globalization. The traditional notions of immigrants, i.e. movements back and forth between sending and receiving countries have historically been a fact of life for many immigrant groups. However, what is (...)
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  19.  52
    Mechanisms and Representations of Language-Mediated Visual Attention.Falk Huettig, Ramesh Kumar Mishra & Christian N. L. Olivers - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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  20.  25
    Online Fictive Motion Understanding: An Eye-Movement Study With Hindi.Ramesh Kumar Mishra & Niharika Singh - 2010 - Metaphor and Symbol 25 (3):144-161.
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    Complementary frequency selective surface pair-based intelligent spatial filters for 5G wireless systems.Pradeep Kumar, Ranjan Mishra & Ankush Kapoor - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):1054-1069.
    Frequency selective surface -based intelligent spatial filters are capturing the eyes of the researchers by offering a dynamic behavior when exposed to the electromagnetic radiations. In this manuscript, a concept of creating complementary structures which stems from Babinet’s principle is illustrated. A hybrid complementary pair of FSS comprising double square loop FSS and double square slot FSS on either side of the dielectric substrate is proposed. DSLFSS offers band-pass behavior and can be placed as a superstrate, whereas DSSFSS behaves as (...)
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    Moral Education through Literary Aesthetic Experience: A Moral Study of the Harry Potter Series.Nirbhay Kumar Mishra & Rupkatha Ghosh - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 56 (2):101-119.
    This paper attempts to unravel how a reader embraces the idea of moral education while enjoying the aesthetic pleasure of the Harry Potter series. It develops a view on moral education through literary experience, which is intrinsically intertwined with aesthetic experience. The amalgamation of reality and fantasy in the Harry Potter novels creates an authenticity that can easily capture the moral attention of a reader by which his/her self-realized valuable emotional intelligence takes place. The well-knit plot encourages reader's self-efficacy (“I” (...)
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  23.  3
    Corporate Social Responsibility, Related Party Transaction and Earnings Management: Evidence from India.Rohan Kumar Mishra, Frank Obenpong Kwabi & Abhijeet Chandra - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-39.
    We examine the interplay between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and related party transactions (RPTs). As per our findings, aggregate RPTs is associated with higher CSR expenditure. The level of business RPTs positively correlates with CSR spending, whereas a negative association is witnessed in the case of tone RPTs. Further analysis reveals a greater propensity among firms with significant RPTs to expropriate resources through manipulative earnings management practices that could lower CSR spending. We also document that high ownership concentration reduces CSR (...)
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  24.  16
    An Exploratory Investigation on Exposure, Perception and Patterns of Usage of Digital Technology among Children in a North Indian City.Shailendra Kumar Mishra & Madhvi Tripathi - 2022 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 42 (3):74-84.
    Background: Digital technologies such as smartphones, tablets and laptops have become a mainstay part of nearly every household and are gradually being integrated into the lives of both adults and children. We aim to determine the extent of exposure and usage of digital technology by children in their daily activities and to understand the transition in technological preferences and attitudes over the generation. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 400 children aged 05-12 years living in Prayagraj city of Uttar (...)
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  25.  8
    Gītā and Kant: an ethical study.Samir Kumar Mishra - 2013 - Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan.
  26.  19
    Śikshyā samḷāpa: Pāulo Phrāẏareṅka śikshyābicāra.Mahendra Kumar Mishra - 2003 - Bhubaneśvara: Śikshyāsandhāna.
    On the views of Paulo Freire, Brazilian educator on education; a study.
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  27.  13
    Vaidikavāṅmayasya Vividhāyāmaḥ =.Ajay Kumar Mishra, Sudip Chakravortti & Pratāpa Candra Rāya (eds.) - 2017 - Kolkata: The Banaras Mercantile Co..
    Contributed seminar papers presented at Akhilabhāratīyavaidikasaṅgoṣṭhī Vaidikavāṅmayasya Vividhāyāmaḥ (All India Vedic Seminar on Various Branches of Vedic studies) held and organized by Department of Sanskrit, Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia, West Bengal and sponsored by Maharshi Sandipani Rashtriya Ved Vidya Pratishthan on 26th and 27th October 2017.
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    Haluk Ogmen and Bruno G. Breitmeyer (eds.): The First Half Second: The Microgenesis and Temporal Dynamics of Unconscious and Conscious Visual Processes. [REVIEW]Ramesh Kumar Mishra - 2012 - Minds and Machines 22 (1):61-65.
    Haluk Ogmen and Bruno G. Breitmeyer (eds.): The First Half Second: The Microgenesis and Temporal Dynamics of Unconscious and Conscious Visual Processes Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 61-65 DOI 10.1007/s11023-011-9266-7 Authors Ramesh Kumar Mishra, Centre of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, Allahabad University, Allahabad, India Journal Minds and Machines Online ISSN 1572-8641 Print ISSN 0924-6495 Journal Volume Volume 22 Journal Issue Volume 22, Number 1.
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  29.  20
    The direct and indirect effect of neuroticism on work engagement of nurses during COVID-19: A temporal analysis.Mit Vachhrajani, Sushanta Kumar Mishra, Himanshu Rai & Amit Paliwal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Healthcare professionals such as nurses faced a tough time during the pandemic. Despite the personal and professional challenges, they contributed immensely during the pandemic. However, there were variations in nurses’ work engagement during the pandemic. One reason could be their personality, especially neuroticism. Neuroticism represents individuals’ proneness to distress in stressful situations, such as COVID-19. Hence, understanding how and in which conditions neuroticism influences work engagement is crucial. We used the Job Demand-Resource model to test the association between neuroticism and (...)
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    Coupled motion of [10−10] tilt boundaries in magnesium bicrystals.B. Syed, D. Catoor, R. Mishra & K. S. Kumar - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (12):1499-1522.
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    Maria Teresa guasti, language acquisition: The growth of grammar. [REVIEW]Ramesh Kumar Mishra - 2006 - Minds and Machines 16 (2):231-236.
  32.  14
    Editorial: Socially Situated? Effects of Social and Cultural Context on Language Processing and Learning.Pia Knoeferle, Ramesh Kumar Mishra & Marcela Peña - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Reward Influences Masked Free-Choice Priming.Seema Prasad & Ramesh Kumar Mishra - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    While it is known that reward induces attentional prioritization, it is not clear what effect reward-learning has when associated with stimuli that are not fully perceived. The masked priming paradigm has been extensively used to investigate the indirect impact of brief stimuli on response behavior. Interestingly, the effect of masked primes is observed even when participants choose their responses freely. While classical theories assume this process to be automatic, recent studies have provided evidence for attentional modulations of masked priming effects. (...)
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    Evolution and characterization of dynamically recrystallized microstructure in a titanium-modified austenitic stainless steel using ultrasonic and EBSD techniques.Sumantra Mandal, S. K. Mishra, Anish Kumar, I. Samajdar, P. V. Sivaprasad, T. Jayakumar & Baldev Raj - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (6):883-897.
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  35.  10
    The Role of Sustainable Tourism in Enhancing Cultural Heritage Preservation: In-depth Analysis.Dr Jayaprakash Lamoria, Abhinav Mishra, Nishant Kumar, Prem Colaco, Tarang Bhatnagar, Ranganathaswamy Madihalli Kenchappa & Tusha - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:870-879.
    Sustainable tourism is essential to improving the preservation of cultural property since it encourages ethical travel, helps local communities, and raises money for conservation initiatives. It guarantees the preservation of cultural treasures for future generations while promoting awareness and appreciation of them. In this paper, the relationship between sustainable tourism practice, environmental policies, tourist education, community involvement, tourism revenue allocation, and cultural heritage preservation were evaluated using structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. Five hypotheses were developed and the dataset includes 232 (...)
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  36.  24
    Wormholes Within the Framework of f(R,T)=R+αR2+λT\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$f(R, T)=R+\alpha R^2+\lambda T$$\end{document} Gravity. [REVIEW]Ambuj Kumar Mishra & Umesh Kumar Sharma - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (2):1-16.
    In this work, we explore modeling of wormholes in framework of f(R, T) gravity with the functional form f(R,T)=R+αR2+λT\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$f(R, T)= R+\alpha R^2 +\lambda T$$\end{document}, where R and T are the Ricci scalar and trace of energy-momentum tensor respectively, α\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\alpha$$\end{document} and λ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\lambda$$\end{document} are arbitrary constants. Using the equation of state (EoS) pr=ωρ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} (...))
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    Impact of Weather Predictions on COVID-19 Infection Rate by Using Deep Learning Models.Yogesh Gupta, Ghanshyam Raghuwanshi, Abdullah Ali H. Ahmadini, Utkarsh Sharma, Amit Kumar Mishra, Wali Khan Mashwani, Pinar Goktas, Shokrya S. Alshqaq & Oluwafemi Samson Balogun - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    Nowadays, the whole world is facing a pandemic situation in the form of coronavirus diseases. In connection with the spread of COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths, various researchers have analysed the impact of temperature and humidity on the spread of coronavirus. In this paper, a deep transfer learning-based exhaustive analysis is performed by evaluating the influence of different weather factors, including temperature, sunlight hours, and humidity. To perform all the experiments, two data sets are used: one is taken from Kaggle (...)
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    Effect of pre-annealing strains on annealing texture developments in commercially pure titanium.S. K. Sahoo, S. Panda, R. K. Sabat, G. Kumar, S. C. Mishra, U. K. Mohanty & S. Suwas - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (10):1105-1124.
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    Does increase in female representation on boards impact banks' value: a case of an emerging economy.Riyanka Baral, R. L. Manogna, Debasis Patnaik & Aswini Kumar Mishra - 2022 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 16 (3):292.
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    Design and Implementation of Brain Tumor Segmentation and Detection Using a Novel Woelfel Filter and Morphological Segmentation.M. Venu Gopalachari, Morarjee Kolla, Rupesh Kumar Mishra & Zarin Tasneem - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-9.
    Neuroimaging is critical in the diagnosis and treatment of brain cancers; however, the first detection of tumors is a challenge. Detection techniques like image segmentation are heavily reliant on the segmented image’s resolution. Magnetic resonance imaging tumor segmentation has emerged as a new study area in the medical imaging field. This spongy and delicate mass of tissue is the brain. Stable conditions allow for patterns to enter and interact with each other. To put it simply, a tumor is a mass (...)
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  41.  18
    Role of Workplace Spirituality, Empathic Concern and Organizational Politics in Employee Wellbeing: A Study on Police Personnel.Shreshtha Yadav, Trayambak Tiwari, Anil Kumar Yadav, Neha Dubey, Lalit Kumar Mishra, Anju L. Singh & Payal Kapoor - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Employee wellbeing as a central aspect of organizational growth has been widely regarded and accepted. Therefore, a considerable growth in the number of researches focusing on employee wellbeing has been comprehended in recent years. Employee wellbeing characterizes the individual’s own cognitive interpretation of his/her life at work. The present study made an attempt to examine how workplace spirituality, empathic concern and organizational politics influences employee wellbeing. It was hypothesized that empathic concern mediates the relationship between workplace spirituality and employee wellbeing (...)
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  42.  32
    An electron microscopy study of dislocation structures in Mg single crystals compressed along [0 0 0 1] at room temperature. [REVIEW]J. Geng, M. F. Chisholm, R. K. Mishra & K. S. Kumar - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (35):3910-3932.
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  43. Collected Papers (Neutrosophics and other topics), Volume XIV.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This fourteenth volume of Collected Papers is an eclectic tome of 87 papers in Neutrosophics and other fields, such as mathematics, fuzzy sets, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, picture fuzzy sets, information fusion, robotics, statistics, or extenics, comprising 936 pages, published between 2008-2022 in different scientific journals or currently in press, by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 99 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 26 countries: Ahmed B. Al-Nafee, Adesina Abdul Akeem Agboola, Akbar Rezaei, Shariful Alam, Marina Alonso, Fran Andujar, (...)
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    Leader–Member Exchange, Work Engagement, and Psychological Withdrawal Behavior: The Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment.Arun Aggarwal, Pawan Kumar Chand, Deepika Jhamb & Amit Mittal - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:513094.
    Perceptions of psychological empowerment play a vital role in the way an individual perceives things at the workplace. In spite of this, there is scant research on the antecedents and consequences of psychological empowerment. This study is an attempt to fill this gap by analyzing the mediating role of psychological empowerment on the relationship between its antecedents (leader–member exchange) and its consequences (work engagement and psychological withdrawal behavior). Data were collected from 454 employees working in the Research and Development (R&D) (...)
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    The Empirical Identity of Moral Judgment.Victor Kumar - 2016 - Philosophical Quarterly 66 (265):783-804.
    I argue that moral judgement is a natural kind on the grounds that it plays a causal/explanatory role in psychological generalizations. I then develop an empirically grounded theory of its identity as a natural kind. I argue that moral judgement is a hybrid state of moral belief and moral emotion. This hybrid theory supports the role of moral judgement in explanations of reasoning and action and also supports its role in a dual process model of moral cognition. Although it is (...)
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    Why the Super-Rich Will Not Be Saving the World: Philanthropy and “Privatization Creep” in Global Development.Arun Kumar & Sally Brooks - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (2):223-228.
    Under multistakeholderism, private philanthropic foundations have played an increasingly influential role in global development. As part of which, foundations have promoted what we call “privatization creep” (i.e., mainstreaming market-centric solutions to development). Sidelining redistributive approaches altogether, “privatization creep” favours profit-making over everything else, doing little to “save the world.”.
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  47. Potential fields and neural networks.Ashraf A. Kassim & Bvkv Kumar - 1995 - In Michael A. Arbib, Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks. MIT Press.
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    Yoga in Hindu scriptures.H. Kumar Kaul - 1989 - Delhi: Surjeet Publications.
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    The Influence of Business Incentives and Attitudes on Ethics Discourse in the Information Technology Industry.Sanju Ahuja & Jyoti Kumar - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):941-966.
    As information technologies have become synonymous with progress in modern society, several ethical concerns have surfaced about their societal implications. In the past few decades, information technologies have had a value-laden impact on social evolution. However, there is limited agreement on the responsibility of businesses and innovators concerning the ethical aspects of information technologies. There is a need to understand the role of business incentives and attitudes in driving technological progress and to understand how they steer the ethics discourse on (...)
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    Setting a human rights and legal framework around ‘the ethics of consent during labour and birth: episiotomies’.Bashi Kumar-Hazard & Hannah Grace Dahlen - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (9):634-635.
    We commend the authors for their comprehensive discussion on consent and episiotomies.1 They correctly observe that informed consent for all proposed interventions in maternity care is always necessary. The claim that consent for maternity health services does not always have to be fully informed or explicit, however, is erroneous. We are especially concerned with, and surprised by, the endorsement of ‘opt-out consent’. ‘Opt-out consent’ (a.k.a. substitute decision making) is already standard practice in maternity healthcare, with obstetric violence a normalised response (...)
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